Course No. 07_101: Firestopping
It is critical for designers to properly detail and specify firestopping methods to ensure our buildings and spaces are safe from the spread of fire and smoke through openings in walls, floors, ceilings, etc. Firestopping details are often overlooked, which results in improper installation in the field.
The purpose of this course is to provide a high-level overview of various Firestopping Systems and to learn how to search UL Fire Resistance Directories for specific fire rated assemblies.

Course No. 08_101: Door Hardware 101: Door, Frame & Hardware Fundamentals
While door hardware may seem like "details" that others can take care of, it is one of the critical elements of a door opening that provides the life safety, security, and access we rely on for protection as required by the Building Code.

Course No. 08_104: Essentials of Fire Door Inspections
Fire-Rated Door Assemblies are one of the most important life safety features of a building. This presentation will provide an overview of fire-rated door inspection basics and methodology.